The only thing I love more than working with energy is guiding people back to the Love within.    


My most innocent and unfiltered self was completely attuned to the magical place of pure love. But as I began to learn and navigate my physical reality, I saw another complex, challenging, and equally beautiful world unfold.

 It manifested in many different ways, but the duality of the ethereal and earthly worlds was most pronounced during my childhood years, growing up in a conservative and structured household that was defined not only by work ethic, performance, and routine but also an undeniable undercurrent of tension and deep pain.

At the age of 4, I had a profound awakening. I felt that in order to find belonging, love, and purpose, especially with my family, I had to succumb to the “worldly way of living.” I thought I had to surrender my mystical, magical, fairy self in order to find any glimpse of connection or love.

 But that was not enough. I felt that in order to feed my soul – to survive – I had to surrender my natural essence.


For the next 25 years, throughout school, various jobs, and beyond, I became an expert at putting on any and every mask that would make me feel like I belonged enough to feel safe - even just for a minute. I jumped between various friend groups, interests, passions, and geographic locations. I became an expert at over-filling my time and denying my energy so I didn't have to feel and look at the true essence that I had shoved away and buried deep below the surface.

I tried EVERYTHING (and yes, I do mean everything) to distract myself from my physical, emotional, and spiritual longing. I struggled through a few narcissistic relationships, several questionable living situations, codependency, anxiety, and terrifying self-talk, all while numbing the pain through drugs and alcohol.

But the harder I worked to fill the holes with outside worldly influences, the more empty, alone, and confused I felt. Why did my decision to “connect” leave me feeling more isolated than ever?


It was only through total surrender that I found myself facing what felt like a mountain of brutal honesty. Nothing I was doing, thinking, and not feeling was working. Pretending I was someone else, someone who was not destined to receive and channel pure love energy was no longer sustainable.

 The only thing that felt natural was surrendering to pure love energy. I started volunteering and then working as a Child and Youth Worker, where I got to spend time with kids from all walks of life. These youths who the world seemed to have written off, were the ignition my soul needed to find love and light in the nightmare.

 This time, I felt the calling for something more was the wake-up call I needed.

 I knew that if I was to answer this calling, I would need to heal – by searching inside and doing the hard work - not the familiar work.

 I hit what is known as rock bottom. I felt alone, confused, depressed, and downright traumatized when finally, for the first time in my life, I chose myself in both the mystical and physical worlds. That’s what it took for me to finally realize that my calling for energetic and magical healing was a gift, not a curse.


So, I set out on a journey to explore the back roads, trust my spirit guides, do the painful work of deep-level healing, and surrender to myself every single day.

 With every tree I climbed and every plane I danced on, I found a piece of myself again.


To guide high-impact souls to break free from their current thinking patterns, find deep inner nourishment, illuminate their true natural essence, follow their soul’s calling, and fall in love with their lives…without the need to hit rock bottom.

As robbed of your natural existence as you may feel right now, my friend, there is another path. A path that is illuminated by your deepest desires in every moment. I’ve been there, and I'm here to show you the way.

It would be my highest honor to help you discover more of your energetic alignment and create your life vision, all the while, magnetizing more passion, prosperity, and pleasure. You truly can experience it all!

"I had an intuitive energetic intro session with Karynne and it made me believe in the power of energy specifically her unique pure love blend. I could physically feel the energy vibrating and moving through my sacral chakra, all the way to my throat chakra. I have needed the most support within those centers in my body. I did not communicate this to Karynne. She intuitively sensed where the stagnant energy in my body remained and successfully moved that energy.

 I experienced the purging of that stagnancy. My energy felt incredibly different after my session with Karynne. The only way I can explain it was there was a buzz around my aura. The week prior, I was a nervous wreck. After my session with Karynne, I felt grounded and in tune with my body. Karynne is a miracle worker. Her energy is so powerful and healing. She is simultaneously bubbly and grounding. It was a privilege to be able to work with her."

Hila Dayan
Creator of Wildest Expressions 

"Karynne is a miracle worker. Her energy is so powerful and healing."

“My urge was always to know. I needed to be able to check off every item on my list or I felt anxious until it was done. It was an uncomfortable way to live, but I didn't understand how to articulate it as a problem and therefore couldn’t find a solution. One of the many gifts I received working with Karynne was to trust her healing, without controlling the specific details. The change started during our first 60-minute intro session, where I had a profound breakthrough. I’m now able to step back and look at my entire week as expansion and tune into how I feel in order to see the shifts that come from her magic medicine. 

Throughout this on going process, now coming up on a year, I have also become more gentle with myself. I’ve built the trust to know that energy is always flowing to and for me, even when it isn’t scheduled in my calendar. When I feel the urge to ask when the healing is coming, I softly encourage myself to practice the art of receiving. It's so hard to put into words what Karynne has given me and how she's helped me, but to distill it down: I feel more like I want to feel. I didn't know it was possible to be this aligned!”

Bex Bassin
Leadership & Executive Coach

"I didn't know it was possible to be this aligned!"

“Energetic healings have been such a gift in my life! Karynne makes it so easy and accessible to tap into this gorgeous field of love and nourishment. Being a creator of a growing business and a busy mom of 4. I cherish her generous miraculous weekly healings!”

Keri Khalighi
Creator of Wisdom Elementals

"Energetic healings have been such a gift in my life!"

"Karynne was definitely a game changer for me. I began seeing her at a time I was growing my business and I knew I needed to shift. She guided me to get clarity on what it was I was desiring and then helped me expand and uplevel. I worked with Karynne on a weekly basis for a few months which helped tremendously since each session built upon the last until I was in full flow. Things changed as I changed, it was amazing. I’m so grateful for her multi dimensional support and her authentic desire to help me achieve my goals. I recommend her to anyone who’s ready to attract more in their life."

Angelica Sepulveda
Founder of Indigo Body Balance & Prana Body Botanicals

"Karynne was definitely a game changer for me."

“In my first session with Karynne, I walked away with the sensation of being reorganized physically, mentally and emotionally. It was as though order was restored inside of me. As my work with her progresses, it’s as if my vision has cleared and I’m able to see opportunities and resolve issues in ways, I couldn’t before. This work is powerful.”

Kristen Stills
Executive Producer, Grammy Winner of Autism: The Musical  

"This work is powerful.”

“You are effervescent medicine! With your cartoon knife that slices through delusions in the most delightful incisive way - you are a being of light and I adore you! Thank you for your guidance to work on expressing all of my RAGE!! And allowing my little girl tender heart more full expression. Energetic healing connects me to the Love that is always there waiting for me to remember and receive. I emerge energized, grounded, and ready to flow with whatever comes my way!.”

Ali Kegley Kole
Founder of Sensually Embodied

“You are effervescent medicine!"

"The best part of doing energy work with Karynne was feeling rejuvenated by an outside source. We are always having to energize ourselves through the new hottest energy drink- and dopamine hits from shopping sprees, or social media. Karynne reminded me that I’m able to receive energy without needed a physical item. Energy is all around us. When I didn’t have access to Karynne I resorted back to my old ways. But those were temporary band aids. Karynne was the overall healer. 

During my time working with Karynne, I was put under new management, I signed a record deal, and underwent some massive lifestyle changes to better my health. Mentally I was the strongest I’d been in 4 years after 4 weeks with Karynne.
She helped me regain my strength and see the many possibilities!"

Sophie Powers
Musician & Clothing Designer

"Through every wave of my wild journey Karynne was there for me!"

  "I can’t imagine not having the energy work in my life – it reminds me of who I truly am.

The growth and expansion is beyond words. I feel blessed to have worked with Karynne for many years. As a VIP client I expanded & became the woman I truly am. I then get to share that with my family (& my community) which is very important to me. She has been there through some intense life challenges. I feel like her energy work & guidance for me as a parent has helped me to break patterns for the benefit of the evolution of my kids.

”Having her do energy work with my three of kids weekly plus my 4 year old grandchild has been an important part of our family expansion. As it ripples out to our whole community. Especially with my 12 year old daughter who is Autistic - she will sing after receiving energy sessions which this not a usual occurrence with her. She has found a new peace in her life, as we all have.”

Lisa Totenhagen
Single Mama of Five Amazing Beings

"Working with Karynne has been the best investment I've ever made!"

"Working with Karynne through the Energetic Immersion sessions allowed me to stay sane and focused on receiving my dreams during a very full, chaotic period – my husband’s new retirement, putting our house on the market, finding and buying our dream home, and being there for my son who was going through a major life crisis. Life was beyond full! 
Each week, I sent Karynne a specific intention to receive. The process served to ground me in the fact that I was never alone, and I didn’t have to succumb to any stories of hopelessness around receiving my heart’s deepest desires. I managed to enjoy my life because I stayed present for the delicious things that were unfolding. A big one: manifesting our dream home, and in just the right timing! Normally, under such “upper limit” circumstances, I would have crashed and burned, unable to be with all the chaos, but I stayed well throughout, which feels miraculous. I am so grateful for the support of Karynne and her loving, energetic magic!"

Keri Lehmann
Master Love Coach & Author

"Energetic Immersion sessions allowed me to stay sane and focused."


For Transformation Energy and Healing

Are you ready to settle into a sacred space with an energetic partner to guide you to “being” and “receiving”, instead of jumping into “doing” and “producing”?